My ETSY.Com Shop

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Something New

It has been quite a while since my last post, but what can I say. Life has a way of taking front stage sometimes. My son who is in the 7th grade this year, has shown me that maybe there is hope. I say that because the last couple of years for him has not been his best. His grades were slacking in almost every class, except gym. I have to honestly admitt that his bad grades were in part my fault. Working at Honda and having the swing shifts were not easy on me or my family. I couldn't be there to help out as much as I should have been. So in my work related absence, my sons grades failed miserably. But this year is proving to be a good one for him and myself. Even thought I am no longer working at Honda because of the recession and job layoffs. I am not at home with my son to supervise all homework and school projects. The one thing I can say is that some things do happen for a reason.

And my crafts website at has made some marked strides too. I have sold a few things and have made arrangements with a local shop to sell a few of my items. I'm really excited about that. And I plan to have a booth at my local Fall Festable in October set up with my things to sell also. With the discovery that I love to sew, alto of new ideas have started running through my head. And purse design is the new thing for me. I love to design purses. I see new designs almost everywhere I look. I cant walk in any store without looking at fabrics and buttons and zippers and anything that I think would work on a purse. I still crochet and knit, and I am working on a way to incorporate crochet in with my purse design.

And with the changing of seasons I plan to make more crochet hat and scarf sets out in beautiful colors.

So its off to buy more crochet yarn and gorgeous material for more handbag designs.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just When...

Have you ever thought to yourself, "finally things are starting to look up" and WHAM!!! you get blindsided out of nowhere. You sometimes feel that there is a higher power, but He is not working in your favor. Well I have those days and it seems like I have those sort of days more often than not.

I 've heard the phase "GOD wont close one door without opening another" all of my life and I wonder to myself; who makes up this stuff??

But sure enough, if I look and listen close enough, something always comes through. Never when I want it to, but always on time. (that's another saying that's been around forever).

So I will keep holding my head up and looking toward the sky...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


What can a person do about depression?? I really want to know. I think Im dead in the middle of a depression. I dont want to do anything. I dont want to leave my house. I dont even want to go to church on Sunday. I feel like there is a heavy weight laying right on my chest and I dont know to get off.

I lost my job at Honda in march. And it was a great job. I worked in VQ department. I got to drive off the new cars out to the parking lot or to where ever they were sent next. I was there for 4 years and made some really great friends. Right now Im working everyday making new things so add to my online shop. It feels my day most days trying to come up with some new crochet or knitting project. and it keeps me going. I love to see how some idea starts off in my head and ends up in a new creation in my hands. but for the last couple of days the feeling of something squeezing in on me keeps the joy from crocheting being fully realized.

And I know I have already spoken on the weight gain situation. As if that wasnt bad enough. Its like a cycle. Im depressed about my weight, so I go get something else to eat to fill a void. And because I just ate something when I know darn well I wasnt hungry, more depression and anger piles on me. so I go get something else to eat. I know I need to stop. I have to stop. I want to stop, but dont know how too. Its like a punishment.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Crafty Side

It would seem that I have a few more things that I want to get out. Meaning I have more things of the crafty nature that I want to create. I have found that I love to sew. My aunt brought me a sewing machine for Christmas and I have been sewing things ever since then. Just another creative outlet for me I guess. I have quite a few handbags for sale at my ETSY.Com shop and even if I say so my self, they are pretty nice. So far from my shop I have sold 4 items. and I am very happy about that. I have to keep focused though, I need not to just sit and sew, crochet, paint, and knit all day. I do have other things to do, but it seems that getting the next idea that I have in my head out is very important. But it will all work out in the end. Balance is what I need now. The products I have, now I just need to focus on getting my ideas out there......

Patience is what I need.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A New Day

On this past Wednesday I got my first sell off of my site. The item that sold was a pair of earrings that I made and they were brought by a lady in Australia!! Can you believe that? I am so excited.

And I have decided to join a gym to get the ball rolling on my weight loss campaign. So this weekend I plan to eat some of the things I know I wont be able to have for a long time. Like a sonic chiller from Sonic, love those things.

But for now plans are still being made and put into action to add more craft items to my Etsy shop and still working on my book. As the summer winds down and it time to get my son back to school things are looking brighter for me, and for us. I plan to have a great rest of the year.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hurt Feelings/Starting over

I have discovered the when a person internalizes feelings very harmful things can happen. Personally coming to realize that letting someone have that much influence over my life has lead me down a road I thought I would never go down again. But the evidence is right in my face and cannot be denied any longer.

Starting from years back (like high school)there has been this one person that I have had feeling for, deep feelings for. But nothing has ever came of those feelings. He is well aware of my feelings and I know he has feeling for me. Through all these long years we have kept in touch with each. We live in the same small town, know most of the same people.

He was very close to my younger brother, they were best friends. And he was around alot, but after my brother was killed in a car wreck he drifted away. I understand that.

There has always been a love-hate relationship between us. What we did best was argue. there was always an argument going on between him and me. I love the friction and heat that would be set off by a really good a fight with him. I loved it and so did he. I could tell cause he kept coming back for more. Anyway this has been our relationship all through the years. We would have a big blow up and stop speaking to each for sometime months at a time, but the relationship was such that it only made us closer to each other.

But recently in our last big blow up (last December in fact) this was a fight over the phone, he revealed something to me that I had never thought of before. I don't know if what he said was because he was really angry (that argument was a really intense one) and he was trying to get back at me for some of the things I was saying. You know when you are hurt by someone you try to hit back by saying what you know will hurt them in turn the most. And some of the things he said to me cut me so deep that I could feel my heart cracking. I know he knew that what he was saying to me was hurting me because right after he said it he got really quiet. I had tears filling my eyes and I couldn't fight back after that, so I just didn't say anything else. He started talking again in a quieter voice about how things have been between us and how things would never be between us and more stuff like that. I just hung up the phone. We haven't spoken or accidentally run into each another at the wal-mart.

Today I can see now how I let a phone conversation and the crumbling of a love-hate relationship send me down a road that I swore I would never go down again.

I let the threat of losing a job that I loved working at the 4 years and living in a place that I hated at the time (a bad neighborhood) and the argument with someone I have been in love with since high school send me right back where I never wanted to go ever again. Some 20 pounds overweight. Turns out that I'm a comfort food eater. who know??

So now I find myself needing to start all over again. I had been so proud of myself for keeping the weight off the over 3 years. Then to sabotage myself is depressing in itself, but see that I must pull myself up out of this rut I'm in and get back to grind of 'loosing weight 'again.

I have to decided to keep this blog/diary of my journey back to finding my old self esteem and great outlook on life. I know God had not brought me this far to leave me now. I am starting a new online business (I love crafts) Im putting the finishing touches on my book that Im writing and It looks like a new weight loss routine is in order as well. So I plan to write everything down to keep myself on track..

more to come

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Crafty Side

Added another store front on today. I just feel that I needed a second place to show some of my things. I vision my second shop to hold more practical items than my other site. I have problems with storage space at my home and I am trying to come up with different ways to store things. I have listed a storage item that I call Bag em'. It's a place to store all the leftover wal-mart plastic bags that just keep piling up on me. And I am coming up with cute verses and phases to add more color and fun to them.

I just keep turning over ideas in my head, now all I have to do is figure out a way to execute them efficiently.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Crafty Side

I am 43 years old and I have just now discovered that there were hidden talents that I didnt know I had exploding out of me. Around Christmas of 2008 I desided that I wanted to try to paint a picture. So off to Wal Mart I went and brought myself some oil paints and canvas. Low and behold, things just started poring out of me. I have created around 25 original pieces of art work. And I have even sold two so far. Very proud of myself. I also crochet. I learned how to crochet at the ripe old age of 8 taught to me by a neighbor. I have crochet so many things since January of 2009 it unreal. But I love it, I truly do.

After trying to figure out how to get the things I'm making out there, I have joined a few websites. Like,, and where I have launched my own website.
And guess what; I'm also a writer. I have written too books, one children's book and the other a romance novel. Neither is published right now, but that's still something that I'm working on. You know, future stuff.

So I decided to start a blog because I feel the writer side of myself wanting to burst out again. And I have to get things off my chest because when you internalize things, its real just bad all around. So thanks for being my sounding board for a few minutes. I feel good about my new adventure. I hope things turn our well for all of us.
